The easiest way to start with RichFaces

Now that RichFaces 3.3.3 is out, plus JBoss Tools 3.1 was released in March, let me show you the easiest way to start with RichFaces and Tomcat 6. This doesn’t involve Maven. I’ll write a post about Maven and RichFaces some other time.

The following steps assume you have JBoss Tools 3.0 or 3.1 installed. Just in case you don’t have JBoss Tools installed, skip to section Installing JBoss Tools 3.1 at the end.

Getting RichFaces project

  1. Download RichFaces start project
  2. In Eclipse, select File/Import/General/Existing Project into Workspace
  3. Check Select archive file and click Browse…
  4. Find and select
  5. Click Finish
  6. Once the project is imported, in Servers view, right-click Tomcat server and select Add and Remove…
  7. Move richfaces-start to the right side
  8. Start the server
  9. Right-click richfaces-start project and select Run As/Run nn Server

You should see a page like this:

The project even comes with a very short custom skin (laguna14). Look for the skin file in JavaSource folder. The application also uses a4j:insert tag and a4j implicit object.

Installing JBoss Tools 3.1

  1. Download and install Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers 3.5.2
  2. In Eclipse, go to Help/Install New Software…
  3. Click Add
  4. For name, enter JBoss Tools 3.1
  5. For URL, enter
  6. Click OK
  7. Select the just added software link
  8. When a list of features appears, select Web and Java EE Development
  9. Click Finish. This will install JBoss Tools
  10. Launch Eclipse
  11. Add Tomcat 6 server (you can do it via Servers view)
  12. Go back to step #1 in Getting RichFaces project section

36 responses to “The easiest way to start with RichFaces”

  1. Hello Max,

    Thanks for your excellent work all time. Can you please give us step by step tutorial to develop custom components using Richfaces. Thank you


  2. @Katick: You welcome. Once RichFaces 4 is out with its new CDK (Component Development Kit) I will start blogging on how to create custom rich components. The CDK in version 4 is going to be a lot simpler to use.

  3. Thank you for this pretty headstart. My you please advise me. I have been following yo blog material for 2 weeks now but i would like a training on Seam and Richfaces,EJB,JPA,JSF etc because i would want to know how to develop a complete application using these technologies. I have the books Practical Richfaces and Jboss Richfaces 3.3 but i still believe Training will do because the books seem to skip some elements that i find crucial e.g in Jboss Richfaces 3.3 they dont describe creating the application in Eclipse or Netbeans but rather use Seam gen , my point is wat happens if seam-gen fails like what happened when i tried to create the main example application


  4. Right now we offer on-site JSF, RichFaces and Seam training. You have my email, if you have any questions on training, just email me.

  5. […] Easiest way to start with RichFaces (Eclipse template) RichFaces with Hibernate Validator RichFaces built-in client functions RichFaces region – partial JSF view processing View scope in RichFaces Using rich:layout and rich:layoutPanel components 4 – part RichFaces webinar series Changing RichFaces skins in runtime Using rich:layout and rich:layoutPanel components RichFaces confirmation dialog – complete edition RichFaces sorting and filtering – complete edition […]

  6. Thank you for the project!
    Still I would have a question. I try to deploy the example project on JBoss (Community) 5.1 server and there is some deployment error. What should be changed to get it work on JBoss server(s)?

  7. @Tiho: JBoss AS already has JSF libraries, so the first thing you should try is removing JSF libraries from project template.

  8. Can you provide a template project that works for JBoss AS 5.1? (Similar to tomcat 5.5 and 6 templates you have).

  9. @Sampath: I could but you can also just create a new Seam project. It comes with RichFaces. Or you are looking for just plain JSF RichFaces project (no Seam) on JBoss AS?

  10. Yes, I’m looking for plain JSF RichFaces project (no Seam) on JBoss AS.

  11. @Sampath: will probably have time next week. For now, try to remove JSF libraries from Tomcat template and deploy on JBoss AS.

  12. […] reader asked me to provide plain JSF and RichFaces template to run on JBoss AS. As JBoss AS already comes […]

  13. @frank: file updated. I think Facebook bought last year and they stopped supporting all old uploads.

  14. […] just updated Easiest way to start with RichFaces post with correct URL to download the sample project (link to wasn’t working). Keep […]

  15. what about this post for RF 4? 😉

  16. @kenji: to be honest, Maven RichFaces archetype would be the simplest way to start. You can find instructions here: Once you got the project, you can easily import it into Eclipse.

    But, I’ll post something similar when I have more time.

  17. thanks! I will give it a try!

  18. Hi,

    I am trying to follow the steps :

    Getting RichFaces project

    1.Download RichFaces start project
    2.In Eclipse, select File/Import/General/Existing Project into Workspace
    3.Check Select archive file and click Browse…
    4.Find and select

    From archive File :

    Should I select something in :
    Into Folder ?

    Because Finish button is disabled.


  19. @arkam: just point to the zip file.

  20. Hi Max,

    I pointed to the zip file but the Finish button is disabled, here is a picture on how it looks like :


    Your help is appreciated.


  21. @arkam: I think you selected General/Archive File. You need to select General/Existing Projects into Workspace

  22. Thank you Max, (and sorry for General/Archive File instead of General/Existing ),

    Now it’s working, I got :

    Hello, looks like it’s working

    Now, do you think shoud I continue in your book : Practical RichFaces or there is another book or tutorial to do so (I am a newbie ignorant in JSF and RichFaces).

    Thanks .


  23. @akram: if you have the book, then continue reading. There are also many RichFaces resources on the internet.

  24. Hey, thanks!!!

  25. Hi,
    Thanks for the example. I am trying to modify this to add a Managed Bean. But when I add the bean to faces-config.xml, I get
    com.sun.faces.mgbean.ManagedBeanCreationException: Unable to create managed bean fBAccess. The following problems were found:
    – Bean or property class model.FBAccess for managed bean fBAccess cannot be found.

    Could you help me with this?
    start.xhtml now has :

    package model;

    public class FBAccess {
    public FBAccess() {


    private String firstString = “Hello”;

    public String getFirstString() {
    return firstString;

    public void setFirstString(String firstString) {
    this.firstString = firstString;



    What am I missing here?

  26. Full Exception:
    SEVERE: Error Rendering View[/Page1.jsp]
    com.sun.faces.mgbean.ManagedBeanCreationException: Unable to create managed bean fBAccess. The following problems were found:
    – Bean or property class model.FBAccess for managed bean fBAccess cannot be found.
    at com.sun.faces.mgbean.BeanManager.create(
    at com.sun.faces.el.ManagedBeanELResolver.getValue(
    at javax.el.CompositeELResolver.getValue(
    at com.sun.faces.el.FacesCompositeELResolver.getValue(
    at org.apache.el.parser.AstIdentifier.getValue(
    at org.apache.el.parser.AstValue.getValue(
    at org.apache.el.ValueExpressionImpl.getValue(
    at com.sun.facelets.el.TagValueExpression.getValue(
    at javax.faces.component.UIOutput.getValue(
    at com.sun.faces.renderkit.html_basic.HtmlBasicInputRenderer.getValue(
    at com.sun.faces.renderkit.html_basic.HtmlBasicRenderer.getCurrentValue(
    at com.sun.faces.renderkit.html_basic.HtmlBasicRenderer.encodeEnd(
    at javax.faces.component.UIComponentBase.encodeEnd(
    at org.ajax4jsf.renderkit.RendererBase.renderChild(
    at org.ajax4jsf.renderkit.RendererBase.renderChildren(

  27. Sorry, the tags are messed up, please ignore the syntax
    h:outputText value=”#{fBAccess.firstString}”

    managed-bean-name>fBAccess managed-bean-name
    managed-bean-class>model.FBAccess managed-bean-class
    managed-bean-scope>request managed-bean-scope

  28. @Madhu: check that the compiled class ends up in the deployment. Sometimes Eclipse doesn’t copy the class for some reason. The project is deployed here: workspace/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.wst.server.core/tmp0/wtpwebapps

  29. Thank you.

    It was very helpfull for me. I’ve been looking for a working “helloworld” for two days.

    Thanks again.

  30. thank you it very easy to deploy on tomact 7.0

  31. Hi i am trying to add a above link in repository. after adding the link its gives an error that “DUPLICATE LOCATIN”.i choose a new workspace also and getting same error.

    1. This project template is almost four years old. I’d go to RichFaces project page and get the latest project template.

  32. Hi guys ,am trying to set up richfaces 3.3 on neatbeans 8.1 but i can’t seem to figure it out, kindly help.

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