What’s New in Okta Workflows: Search Flow History and Allow Delegated Admins to Run Flows – Meetup Replay and Q&A

We hosted a What’s New in Workflows: How to Search Flow History and Allow Delegated Admins to Run Flows online meetup. Below is a replay of the event. After the video, I published the Q&A from the event.

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Q&A from the online meetup

Is flow history in GA or is this preview feature?

Currently GA on Preview, should be GA on Production with the November release.

What if the delegated flow calls additional flows that are not delegated. Do all the flows that are called need to be given access?

Yes, all flows such as regular flows or helper flows need to have delegated access.

Is History search available in Classic Engine?


Can you give us some examples of how Okta customers are using delegated flows?

In general, any flow that can be run manually by a person who doesn’t need super admin permissions. Examples: password resets. group management.

The Remotely Lock All Kandji Devices Based on Security Events template has a manual device lock flow. This flow is a delegated flow and can be run by a person who is not a super admin.

Are body’s/JSONs searchable?

Yes, flow executions are fully indexed and all data in all fields are searchable.

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