How to Set Up Helper Flow Return Values in Okta Workflows

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On to the question. 

How to set up helper flow return values?

A flow can call another flow called a helper flow. When the helper flow completes, it can return values to the main flow.

Helper flow inputs

The helper flow sets the input fields on the Call Flow card.

The helper flow has two inputs:

  • input1_number
  • input2_number

When you select a helper flow on the Call Flow card, the input field names (input1_number, input2_number) are populated from the helper flow. The blue lines show this.

Helper flow outputs

To set up helper flow return values, the names of the fields in the output section on the Call Flow card need to match exactly the names and types of the fields on the Return card in the helper flow. The black lines show that.

In this example, the Return card has two fields: resultSum and resultMultiple. Both fields are Number types. The Call Flow card in the main flow has two fields with the same name and type in the output section.

Setting up a helper flow with return values

This is how return values are described in the Workflows documentation:

To get values back from the helper flow, you must create output fields manually. Each output field must have the same exact name and type as the value returned from the flow. For example, if the flow you call returns the two strings city and state, then the output fields on the Call Flow card must be set to string and must be named city and state.

This is another example:

Help flow returns different field types

In the screenshot above, the Return card defines two return values:

  • List_output, type List
  • Object_output, type Object

Then the output fields on the Call Flow card must be set to:

  • List_output, type List
  • Object_output, type Object

What you learned

You learned how to set up helper flow return values in this blog post.

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